Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

We just got back after a short trip up to Lake Superior between Christmas and New Years.

The bay we stayed on was gorgeous.

Busch/Schoenecker Lutsen group.

 We stopped in Duluth for some lunch at Grandma's.

Dad and I spent some time walking around on the lake after opening gifts.

 Had some grasshoppers.

The Solheid group shots.

We forgot to get a photo of the Yahnke side this year so I put up my favorite family photo from 1995. We were on a camping trip in Oregon. 


  1. Hey, LOVE your photos Tyler. (This is Amy V. from highschool in case you were wondering... haha) I was curious on what kind of camera you have?? And also, how are you? lol

  2. Hey Amy,

    Thanks! I switch off between our 10 MP sony P&S and our Sony a55 pretty regularly. I am doing well, just trying to wrap up the academic years of my life!

    How are/what are you up to?

