Sunday, October 21, 2012

First Deer

I have my boards coming up here on Oct. 30th and 31st so I feel like I shouldn't really be hunting right now but Tyler called me on Friday night and asked if I wanted to hunt on Saturday morning so of course I said yes. This was my third hunt on this land with Tyler and I have seen multiple deer every sit. 

This morning I didn't see much beside a huge flock of about 25 turkeys and a "well fed" coyote. Tyler and I decided to head to the truck at 10:15am when a deer came running in from the north and turned broadside at what I thought was 40 yards. It looked bigger in the woods than the fawns I had seen earlier in the day so I drew and shot. The deer ran off and I thought I had missed low. 

I walked over to my arrow to inspect it with Tyler and it had some nice red blood on it. We decided to go hang another stand to the north and come back in a half hour to track. There was another car by my truck so I left a note on their windshield saying I'd be back for the deer I hit. 

When we got back there was a deer laying next to these guys car. They had ran across it in the woods and carried it out for us. We thanked them and I had my first deer tagged! It ended up being a nubbin buck, but I was still pretty happy to have my first deer down. I also ranged the shot from where my arrow was to the tree stand it was about 45 yards. Boom. 

Kristin was happy as can be. When I got home she congratulated me and was happy to have all this "free meat" and I shaved off my mustache! I told her it's only October 20th though so I'm going to start fresh again and have one for November 9th Bemidji hunting still! I love the fall!!

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