Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nashville Bachelorette

Our friends, Bente and Judd, are getting married in June and I was SO excited when Bente told me she was having her bachelorette party in Nashville.  Nashville was on my list of cities to get to, I missed this girl and I was in need of a girls' weekend so it was an easy decision to go.  There were nine of us total - Bente, her three sisters, three high school friends, one college friend, and me - and everyone was so fun!

My flight arrived in Nashville one minute before Bente's on Friday afternoon so we grabbed a drink at the airport while we waited for her sister.  After picking up food and drinks and getting ready, we had apps, gifts and games before going out to dinner.

The bride-to-be

Roomies for the weekend

We had a great dinner at The Southern and then made our way to Broadway and spent the rest of the night at The Stage.  


Great live music!  We started out up top but ended up right in front of the stage.

Cowboy boot shots 

Dance floor selfie 

Bente rocked the stage - these are my favorite pics

Saturday morning started out with brunch at The Stone Fox and then we bar hopped.  It was such a gorgeous day!

At Whiskey Kitchen 

Loving on Elvis

The whole gang

We met the 'real' Elvis!

We ended the night with pizza at the hotel and flew home Sunday late morning.  What a wonderful weekend! 

I stole this picture from Kim's instagram :) 

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