Monday, April 27, 2015

Meredith's Birth Story

I was really eager for our sweet baby to come early my entire pregnancy.  We had visitors lined up back to back and Tyler and I wanted to make sure we had some alone time with just our family of three before the craziness started.  However, we also wanted for me to go into labor naturally without having to be induced.  I worked out my entire pregnancy, but stopped running at 33 weeks and stopped biking around 37 weeks.  The last few weeks I went on long walks, ran the stairs in my house and did 100+ squats at night in the hopes of inducing labor ;) Although I didn't think I had any signs, I was still hopeful.  I had a feeling (even if it was just wishful thinking) that I would get some good news at my 39 week doctor appointment.  The few nights before my appointment a bunch of my friends called to check in and I took this as a sign.  I made sure to have my hospital bags, including a bag for Tyler, packed and loaded in the car before I went to the appointment.

Tyler met me at the clinic to go to the appointment with me.  The doctor was running behind and Tyler was stressing about being late for his afternoon appointments.  I convinced him to have his assistant reschedule them because I selfishly wanted him to stay.  When we saw the doctor, my fundal height measurement was only 36 weeks.  I know this is so subjective but they usually are okay with a measurement two weeks off and since I was measuring right on my entire pregnancy, the doctor decided to pull in an ultrasound machine and get some measurements.  During the ultrasound, Meredith's heart rate apparently dropped significantly.  The doctor was concerned enough that he sent us up to labor and delivery to have a stress test done, followed by a more high tech ultrasound with the specialist to get more accurate measurements. 

At this point we were trying to stay optimistic so we weren't too concerned as I was being admitted and hooked up to everything.  After about an hour the nurse came in and told us that I had failed the stress test.  We thought at first part of it was because I hadn't eaten lunch yet; however, the nurse had shocked my stomach and Meredith didn't move again after the initial shock and normally babies stay active at that point.  So next step was to the specialist for the high tech ultrasound and now a BPP test, which is another movement test.  Now I was starting to get more nervous as I hadn't been as diligent as I probably should have on counting my daily kick counts and was paranoid that maybe I missed something.  Luckily, we passed the BPP test and the ultrasound tech estimated Meredith was just under 8 lbs so that definitely eased our nerves.  The specialist that we met with still wanted to induce us but gave us the choice.  She said they can't say it was "medically necessary" but that they were not completely comfortable with sending us home.  Tyler and I had to make the decision in a matter of seconds with the specialist and tech both pushing us to have the baby so we decided to follow their advice.  I knew I would be panicking that Meredith wasn't getting enough oxygen and moving enough if I went back home.

 First family of three picture!

We headed back to labor and delivery.  I was already admitted so I just had to wait for our room to be ready.  I met with the doctor on duty while Tyler ran to the car to get all the bags I had packed.  Once in the room, the plan was to begin pitocin; however, apparently there was a rush of women coming in that were in active labor so I of course was not top priority.  We ended up waiting around all afternoon/early evening.  I was hooked up to three monitors at this point and Meredith's heart rate dropped two more times so it confirmed to us that we made the right decision.  Side note: Everyone says that you will know when you are having contractions....well I guess I had been having contractions but I didn't know they were actually contractions until I was hooked up for my stress test.  We met with the next midwife that took over (shift change and doctor/midwife #4 of the day).  The new plan was to start with cervidril, which is inserted for 12 hours and is supposed to help ready my body for labor.  This was started around 9pm so we decided to try and get some sleep.  I didn't sleep very well because unfortunately I was having back labor at this point.  Being hooked up to the monitors also made moving around difficult and I needed Tyler's help to unhook everything when I needed to use the bathroom.

 The first few nights we took turns staying awake because poor Meredith would choke up amniotic fluid and it scared the crap out of us!

The next morning, we met the new midwife on duty (#5).  He told me that I could not eat breakfast (as opposed to the midwife on duty the night before that was going to let me eat breakfast before they started the pitocin).  So my last meal ended up being the night before (Thurs.).  After he checked me and was happy with my progress, we started the pitocin.  Pitocin can be given up to level 26 and I was started at level 2 (which is lower than they normally start at apparently).  After being on it for a half hour or so, I started having really bad contractions and way too close together.  Meredith's heart rate also started dropping.  The nurse and the midwife came in and stopped the pitocin.  The new plan was to wait a half hour and to start the pitocin again at 1 and to increase by 1 level at a time.  This was a super slow process.  I didn't make much progress over the course of the afternoon.  The nurse brought me a medicine ball so I could get out of bed and do some circles that could potentially help.  She also showed Tyler how to apply pressure to help with my back labor.  We passed time by watching a little HGTV, reading and playing cards.

The next shift (provider #6 and she could have been the twin of Red from Orange is the New Black) began at 7pm and the night nurse was determined for me to have the baby on her watch.  She started increasing my pitocin levels more frequently and by 2 levels at a time.  When I was up to 14, I started to react to it again by having constant contractions.  Meredith didn't have a reaction to it this time around though so the nurse decided to leave me at 14 for a few hours to see if my body would regulate itself.  Well it didn't.  She then finally came in and decreased me to a level 7 and left and didn't return until the morning.  I however, continued to have constant contractions all night long :(  I would say I was very happy with the hospital and providers throughout my experience with the exception of three of the night nurses.  One actually woke me up to ask me where Tyler worked because they wanted to know but didn't want to wake him up to ask him.  Anyways, this shift was by far the worst.  They didn't come in and check on me, they didn't run anything by me or answer my questions, and they let me have constant contractions (back labor - ouch) for 10+ hours straight without lowering or taking me off the medication that was causing it.  Then around 5:30am Sat. morning, Red (the midwife) came in and checked me, broke my water and inserted an internal heart rate monitor into Meredith's head, all without telling me what she was doing.  Then she proceeded to leave the room right after and didn't even come back to check on me before her shift ended.

 This guy is an amazing dad. I knew he would be. But it was instant. He even re-swaddled our baby after the nurses did it because he thought he could do it better ;)

Once my water broke, I immediately started shaking out of control and become really nauseous.  Very quickly I lost control of the pain and screamed for an epidural.  By the time the anesthesiologist got to my room I was practically in tears and thought I was either going to pass out or have a panic attack.  I felt instant relief from the epidural, even thought the anesthesiologist said it could take up to 20 minutes and may not help my lower back labor.  Thank goodness that was not the case.  At this point I was put on oxygen to help regulate Meredith's heart rate.  Turns out I had progressed from a 3 to a 9 in dilation in about an hour and a half.  No wonder I was in so much pain! Back labor is no joke.  On the plus side, they made my stomach contractions seem like nothing.  The new shift started at 7am and we LOVED our new nurse and midwife (provider #7).  I took a nap and woke up to them telling me it was time to push.  My contractions were a little further spread out at this point because the new nurse immediately stopped the pitocin when she saw my contractions.  An hour and fifteen minutes later our beautiful baby girl was here.  She had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck when she came out but the midwife just moved it and it was no big deal.  She was placed right on my stomach and Tyler cut the cord.  We were instantly in love.  The only word I can use to describe the moment is surreal.

 We think she looks like her uncle Brandon in these pictures

She was weighed, measured and given a sponge bath and her first shots in our room so we were there for all of it. I was also brought a lunch almost immediately which was good since I hadn't eaten a meal in over 36 hours.  Shortly after we moved up to the recovery floor where we stayed for another two nights.  Meredith Rose weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and she was 19 1/2 inches long (however at her doctor's appt. two days later she measured 20 1/4 inches long so who knows how accurate that was).  We are SO in love with our sweet little girl! 

 Poor girl was so long that her sleeper we brought for her to wear home barely fit her!

 After 5 days and 4 nights in the hospital we could finally go home!


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