Sunday, June 17, 2012

Grandma's Half Marathon

Kristin and I just got home from Duluth. We ran the Garry Bjorklund half marathon with a bunch of Kristin's friends from law school. We didn't train as much as we should have, nonetheless, we still managed to finish! It was Kristin's third half marathon and my second. I think we are going to stick to half's from here on out. We ran the Twin Cities full marathon in 2010 but it was too much training for us. Wake up, go to school/work, get home and run, shower, go to bed, over and over for months!!

Kathryn and Kristin waiting for the rest of the crew to get into the hotel. 
We stayed at the Edgewater resort in Duluth. Kristin was extremely excited to "play" in the water park and had been for months! 

I walked down to the lake on Friday night and shot a few long exposures for fun.

I really like this one. A semi truck was driving by at just the right time to get the tail light trail. 

The whole group after the race.

Happy to be done!

Dan, Josh and myself decided it would be a good idea to run with mustaches next year for the half. It's not going to be pretty. 

Tent celebration on Saturday night after the race down in canal park

Josh and I hangin with Bambi

My wife and I hangin after the race

Jenny, Jamie, Kristin and Kathryn "Shorty" before heading down to canal park in Duluth.

Ship on Lake Superior

The north shore of Lake Superior

This sign always makes me jealous of all of the people headed to 
the boundary waters on their canoe trips!

Kristin, Shorty and I stopped at Tobies on the way home. It was Kristin's first time there. All three of us pounded down 5000 calories in two minutes, no big deal. 


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