I can't believe it is June already! This summer is going to go by soooo fast. Tyler is in clinic everyday and is in his last semester of actual classes. Next year will be all clinic and boards for him. I am busy trying to get in the groove of studying for the bar exam while still trying to enjoy the gorgeous weather outside! Apparently, I am supposed to be spending 8 1/2 hours a day studying throughout June and bump it up to 12+ hours a day in July :( I just started and am already behind and overwhelmed. But the good news is, I like learning and this is basically a lot of review and practice problems.
So what have we been up to? We have been enjoying each other, catching up with friends, catching some sun, training for Grandma's half marathon (June 16) and much more. I included a hodgepodge of pictures of our latest adventures.
Tyler and I on our 1st Anniversary :) I love this man and this picture!
Friday night of memorial weekend, my parents hosted a fabulous dinner and game night to celebrate the most recent birthdays - Tyler, Aaron and Stacy. My parents thought of the best gift idea EVER. They had metal score cards made for bean bags that had drink holders at the top of them and another drink holder for the players on the other side. Since they wanted to get the same gift for all of the boys, Chris and Brandon got an early birthday gift as well. I'm excited to get some use out of these this summer :)
Tyler, Chris (my bro-in-law), Aaron (my little sister's boyfriend), and Brandon (my brother)
I stole this picture from my brother-in-law - view from the house
Last Tuesday was the kick-off of our very first high school friends dinner club. I have the best group of friends from high school and don't see them nearly enough. Now we have a once a month get-together that we don't need a reason for. We headed over to Psycho Suzi's for some pizza and patio but ended up inside because of the cold weather.

Marie, Jenna, Amber, Britt, Me, Megan, Rachel, Rachel, Kayla
I stole the picture below as well. This is how I spend my weekday mornings. Sitting in lectures from Barbri, taking notes on everything we could be tested on. As you can tell, the mornings get VERY long!
View of the girls looking at their phones (I promise we are all good students)
On Thursday night, Tyler and I went to the Flogging Molly concert. Tyler has always had a Irish fascination and loves this band from Dublin. We saw them play at the Irish festival at Harriet Island in Undergrad and had so much fun so when Tyler heard they were coming to town again, he bought tickets right away. The concert was at The Brick, a new Venue in Minneapolis and I thought it was great. We were on the side that was elevated so we had a great view but were still out of the crazy mash pit crowd.
Flogging Molly
As I mentioned early, Tyler and I are running Grandma's half marathon in Duluth in a couple weeks. Of course we didn't start training until less than four weeks before the race. This weekend we pushed through a painful 10 mile run. Even though my body hated me, I really enjoyed running around the lakes on such a beautiful day. We started at Cedar lake, ran around the north side of Lake of the Isles to Calhoun, around the north side of Calhoun to Harriet, all the way around Harriet, back around the South side of Calhoun, and back to Cedar lake. We live in the perfect starting place for summer runs! Saturday was Tyler's middle brother's 22nd birthday. We picked up Chris and headed back out to the lake for a long boat ride and dinner at Lord Fletcher's. Afterwards, we met up with some college friends that we don't see enough. We ended the weekend with Grand Ole Days in St. Paul. It was my first time going and was definitely worth it! Tyler took some awesome pictures so I think he will end up doing a post about it later.
The Yahnke Brothers - Tyler, Chris, Michael
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