Sunday, August 25, 2013

Preview of Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill

I took my final test between me and my NC license last weekend.  My test was in Raleigh Sat. morning so Tyler and I drove down Friday night and tried to make a weekend out of it.  Thankfully, this test was only 2 hours long.  Saturday was not the best weather but we made the most of the rainy weather.  

Tyler picked me up after my test and we headed to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill where we walked around the campus and grabbed lunch on Franklin street.

Franklin street had a bunch of cute shops and restaurants.

This guy was soooo ready for me to be done studying.  I think he was more excited than I was.

We are excited to return for some Tar Heels Basketball!

Next we made our way to Duke in Durham.  I had no idea how beautiful this campus was.  They had gorgeous gardens that were free to the public.

 The Duke Chapel

Every building on campus was brick.  Tyler wants his future children to go here - ha only if they get a scholarship - Duke's current tuition is $60k a year!

Exploring the gardens and trying to get an idea for plants that we can grow around our house.

We were both exhausted after getting up early for my test and walking around all day.  Note to self: wear better shoes next time!  We went back to the hotel and relaxed for a little and then made our way back out for our first southern BBQ experience.

And it was delicious.  Even hush puppies (even though I still don't know what those are).

Sunday morning, we explored downtown Raleigh and the museums.  Raleigh is so cute.  There are tons of fun restaurants with outdoor seating.  Even on a Sunday there were a lot of people out and about.  

 My Navy dentist - Lieutenant Yahnke

 Who works on a Marine base

I loved the "history of North Carolina" exhibit.  There is so much history in North Carolina and it is great to learn about it from a new perspective.  Fun facts: 1) NC was the first colony to officially ask for their independence from England; 2) It was NC who insisted that the Constitution have a statement of rights to protect individual liberties; and 3) NC was the last colony to ratify the Constitution, only after the Bill of Rights was under development.

Tyler loved the museum of natural sciences.  He was like a kid in a candy shop running around reading about all the plants and animals.  This guy loves his science.

When we were walking around, we walked past a restaurant that had a huge line outside.  We looked it up and read some really good reviews and decided to go back for a late lunch.

This place is known for their chicken and waffles.  We each tried a local NC brew and split a chicken and waffles (with honey) and chicken pot pie.  It past our test.  NC loves their fried chicken ;)

When we ordered the chicken pot pie, our waiter brought us a spork! haha 

A great end to a good weekend.  We can't wait for all of our NC adventures to come.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Weekend stop in MN

I flew from CA to MN to spend a long weekend with family and friends and it was SO worth it.  My friend Erin was kind enough to pick me up from the airport.  We met Jenny and Amelia at Masu for sushi and wine.  It is crazy how much I missed these girls after a month and a half.  I am used to seeing them on a weekly basis.  We weren't done hanging out after dinner so we headed to Bar Louie in uptown for more drinks and apps.    

 Law school besties

My parents and their friends were camping this weekend down by Zumbro river.  Stacy took off work on Friday so she could go down early and spend the day with me :)  Stacy picked me up from the cities Thursday night.  Friday morning we ran and got groceries, made a salad, dip, and bars and then met up with my brother and headed down to the campsite.  It was a great day! We learned how to play a yard game called Kubb - very fun - and took a couple trips down the river.

 Tubing down the river

Friday night we had a great dinner and then enjoyed a campfire with the big group.  Saturday morning I took my sister's car and went to New Prague to get ready for Joe and Cassie's wedding.  

 One of my college roomies and bffs 

Kacie and her bf Andrew met at my parents' house and we went to the wedding together.  Since my parents were still out of town camping, a few friends crashed at their place.

 The stunning bride and groom.

I am so happy that I was able to make it to Joe and Cassie's wedding.  Tyler was very sad to not be here.  Joe is a very good high school friend of mine.  We both went to college at the U of M where we met Cassie - she lived next door to me in the dorms and Joe was down the hall.  Cassie and I decided to be roommates for our sophomore year of college and her and Joe started dating the summer before sophomore year.  Cassie also went to high school with Tyler and introduced Tyler and I right after we moved into our apartment together sophomore year (Tyler had just transferred to the U of M).  And the rest is history....

 Showing off his cowboy boots

Joe and Cassie put so much work into their wedding.  The wedding reception was held at Joe's mom's farm and was filled with beautiful DIY decorations.  It was such a wonderful night.  It was also really fun to see ALL of my high school friends, many college friends, and many Delano friends! 

 So lucky to have the best high school friends ever - even 8 years later!

 Sara - love this girl and so happy to be able to catch up with you Sunday morning ;) 


 College friends - Becca and Kacie

 Having a heart-to-heart at the end of the night

 And of course, being the good wife that I am, I snap chatted Tyler so he didn't miss out on all the fun.

Sunday morning I got to catch up with more friends and then was reunited with my little sister, Danielle.  Danielle's bf Aaron plays DRS baseball and his team made it to state again this year.  They had a game on Sunday so I was able to see him play this year.  Afterwards, my parents hosted a birthday dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law, Chris (turned 30 in July), my brother's gf, Jennifer (turned 26 in June), and since I was home, my bday (I will be 27 in Sept.).  As always, my parents outdid themselves with an amazing meal.  

My siblings - Stacy, Brandon, me, and Danielle 

I went back to Minneapolis with Danielle on Sunday night to see her new place.  Danielle recently moved to Como after starting PT school at the U of M.  She is off to a great start!  Monday I went downtown and met some friends for lunch and then spent the night with Danielle showing her around the U of M.  Danielle took my to the airport early Tuesday morning for my flight home to NC.  

I had such a great time in CA and in MN with family and friends.  So great to see everyone that I was able to see!  BUT, after sleeping in 8 different places in a week and a half and being away from Tyler for over a week, I was ready to get home.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


As mentioned in my previous post, Tyler and I headed to California at the beginning of Aug. for his cousin's wedding.  Almost the entire Yahnke clan made the trip from MN, SD, IL, and NC.  My father-in-law, Doug, rented a house with his siblings for all of us to stay in (and some stayed at the hotel down the hill).  It was a tight fit - 16 of us in a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house - but it was so much fun and so great to spend so much quality family time with everyone.  The house had a huge deck that overlooked Dana Point.  Most people made the trip out to California the Thursday/Friday before the wedding and although some had to leave Sunday/Monday after the wedding, most of us could stay for a full week to make it a mini-vacation.

View from the house deck.  I could get used to this!

Tyler and I flew in late Thursday night and his brothers picked us up from LAX.  First on the agenda for Friday was to hit the beach to try our luck in surfing.

We all were able to "get up" on the board but nobody stayed up very long.  This beginner beach was very rocky and very crowded.  The pacific water is also FREEZING!

 Best friends and brothers :) I love this picture

 Now with cousins, Katie and Nathan

After the beach, we went back to the house and freshened up before going to check out the San Clemente pier.  

 Micheal, cousin Matt, Chris, Tyler & myself

 Doug & Suzanne

 Love this guy

 Father and sons on the pier 

 A stop for "girly" drinks

Friday night was the groom's dinner. 

 Tyler and baby Tate :)  Tate was just over 2 months and made the trip to CA

 Tate, Tyler & Zach

 Such a happy baby. I miss this little guy!

 Cousin Erin and her daughter Brooklyn.  Zach was making her laugh.

Saturday morning, Tyler, Chris, Michael, and I went to check out Laguna beach and the shops.

 Laguna beach

 Tyler and Michael enjoying their bloody marys 


Saturday afternoon and evening was the amazing wedding that I previously blogged about.  It was a late night back at the house so Sunday morning everyone slept in!  After gift opening, Ashley and Paul joined us at the beach and brought their wet suits!  The boys all tried surfing again with more success!

 Ashley and Tyler 

Sunday night, Ashley and Paul took us to one of their favorite spots for some beers, man fries, and nachos.  Afterwards we headed back to the house for some games with the whole crew.

 A little bit of heaven 

Unfortunately, Tyler had to head home Monday morning to get back to work.  We missed him the rest of the trip but that didn't stop us from having more fun!  While most of the gang went to explore Laguna for the day, Michael, Chris, Erin, and I went to San Clemente and rented bikes to ride down the beach path.  So much fun!

 Us with our beach cruisers

After the path ended, we continued biking and found a campground with the best views!  We decided to ignore the signs and did a little hiking around the cliffs.

 My little BIG brothers 

 Chris is the king of CA

 Loved this view

 On the ride back we stopped for drinks on the San Clemente pier 

On Tuesday, all the little kiddies went to Disneyland and Doug, Suzanne, the boys, and I went to San Diego.  We started by driving out to a state park to see the great views of the city.  

 San Diego

Next we hit the beach.


After relaxing for awhile, Doug rented jet skis and stand up paddle boards for all of us

Chris and I were the only ones that didn't fall in the water ;) 

That night, Suzanne treated us to delicious seafood on the oceanfront.

 San Diego sunset

 Wednesday was our last full day in CA.  Some more family flew home Wed. afternoon so we spent the morning with them at the house before going back to Laguna beach.

 Doug, Suzanne, and Dawn

Aunt Wendy in a wet suit 

For our final night in CA, we went down to the Marina for dinner.  This was such an amazing trip with our amazing family.  I feel very fortunate to have married into the Yahnke family.  Thanks to everyone for making this trip so special.