Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Happy Confirmation!

Tyler was confirmed in August and we are now officially a family of Catholics ;)

 Tyler was raised Methodist and I was raised Catholic. We agreed early on in our relationship that a religious upbringing was important for our future children. We committed to going to a Christian church as a family but were open to finding the right church for us and one or both of us possibly converting.

 When we moved to North Carolina, we tried four different churches before we decided to become members of the All Saints Catholic Church. It was also very important to me that if one of us should choose to convert, it was an individual, personal decision.

 When we made the decision to baptize Meredith in a Catholic church, Tyler felt that he wanted to be Catholic as well. He reached out to the church and started the steps for the RCIA program. Apparently, since Tyler was already baptized and confirmed as a Methodist, has been attending a Catholic church and must have impressed them with his religious knowledge during his 3 meetings he had, he was ready!

Tyler was confirmed during the mass by our priest pouring a cup of olive oil over his head and smearing it all over his face!

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