Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mom and Danielle's Quick Trip

The month of July was really hard for me. It was so hot outside that Meredith and I didn't leave the house on far too many days and Meredith's sleep was even worse with her boycotting her naps. On one particular day, I spent over 5 hours - yes, not exaggerating - in her room trying to get her to nap in her crib. I was also on my own for most of the month since Tyler went on a long weekend trip to MN for a wedding and was getting his scuba certification that consisted of lots of week night classes and weekend dives.

So on the last day of the month - a Friday - when I was desperately counting down the hours and minutes until Tyler would get home, I had my first mommy tears when Tyler called to tell me he had to work late on exams and wouldn't be home until after dinner and after Meredith was in bed. Pathetic, I know, especially when so many parents have to work a lot crazier hours than we do....but raising a baby away from your entire support system is really tough. Naturally the first thing I did was text my sisters and mom a "poor me" text and when my mom realized I was about to lose it, she found a flight and booked it the next day. Talk about super mom. She was so busy with her work schedule but managed to squeeze in a quick trip.  

And when I went to pick her up from the airport....

My sister was with her! Best. Surprise. Ever! This is my second surprise visitor and boy do I love surprises ;) Danielle had just finished her last semester of PT school and was on her break before starting her rotations.

Meredith warmed up to them instantly.

On Thursday, Meredith had a weight check so after a morning of playing at home, we all went to the doctor appointment and then brought Meredith to the pool for her first time.

Cuddles with her grandma

Meredith loved the water and loved people watching. She didn't even care about us!

Day 2 was a beach day.

We stopped at Quarter Moon Café for some drinks, grilled out for dinner and played cards the rest of the night.

Day 3 was another beach day - this time on the intracoastal side so it was calmer for swimming and stand up paddle boarding.

 My mom was the only one that didn't fall off....now we know where all her gymnast daughters got our balance from ;)

After, we had a late lunch overlooking the ocean.

Then we had to say goodbyes :(

We are so thankful for our family and all of our friends who come visit us. We love visitors!

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