Thursday, September 10, 2015

Scuba Diving

Tyler has been saying that he has wanted to get certified in scuba diving for the past few years so Meredith and I gifted him the certification course for his birthday and then gifted him the nitrox certification course for his first father's day. Now he has one more dive to complete in order to get his advanced certification so he can dive way deeper.

I am so glad we invested in a GoPro camera before Tyler's first big dive. I love being able to see everything when he tells me about it.

Our friend, Steve, took the course with Tyler so they have had a lot of fun being able to do dives together.

He has been diving with sharks and exploring shipwrecks.

Tyler absolutely loves it and now I am contemplating following suit. If he plans to go diving on all our future vacations, I don't want to be left behind! I am nervous about being claustrophobic and having trouble regulating my breathing. I am also afraid of sharks! However, watching the videos from Tyler's dives definitely makes me think I could handle it so we shall see.

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