Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Meredith Rose - 11 Months

We can't believe our feisty, determined little girl is 11 months!  Meredith Rose, you are a sponge!  You mimic our actions and words so well.  You talk and scream non-stop but get quiet and nervous around strangers.  You love making animal noises and opening and closing doors.  You can stand up on your own but prefer to walk holding mom's hand or speed crawl with one food and one knee.  You climb on everything - even out of the shopping cart!  You are keeping us on our toes and you make us laugh constantly!

You got your first tooth!  Your bottom right (tooth P according to dad) popped through a few days after 10 months and your bottom left followed three days later.

You love walking holding on to mommy's legs.

You say "ahaha" for "baa" when you see a sheep.  Other words this month: "all done," "tada," "touch down," "down," and "off."  You also say "lalala" after us and can do the Indian call with your hand over your mouth.

You stand alone but get nervous after a little while and want to sit down.  You can stand up all on your own from sitting without pulling yourself up.

You got your first kitchen (early birthday present from Grandma Nae) and you pick up the phone, bring it to your ear and say "ha) for hi. 

Your blonde hair is growing and getting a little curl to it!

You love cords and outlets but have started to shake your head no-no when you go by them now.  You also love grabbing hair now - even the hair of the man in front of us at church!

You wave hi and bye a lot now.

You are still nursing - now just 4 time a day (and if up at night).  You have breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner.

You are wearing mostly 9 month clothes.  Still some 6 month and even 3-6 month pants and a few 12 month.  You just moved to size 4 diapers but they are pretty big on you.

You are so strong.  You are really good at doing the wheel barrow and walking on your hands.

You love your animal sound puzzle and your baby Einstein.  Basically any noise toys right now.  You also love your v-tech walker and books. 

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