Friday, June 26, 2015

4 Years!

I can't believe it has been four years since our wedding! We still feel like newlyweds ;)  I sure do love being married to Tyler.  We have had so many changes and so many adventures in our marriage so far - law school, dental school, a Caribbean honeymoon, a 2 week west coast road trip, a big move to North Carolina, professional license exams, new jobs, trips to Dana Point, DC, Savannah, Charleston, Atlanta, Asheville, the outer banks, etc., multiple races, and a beautiful baby girl!  

Our anniversary fell on a Wednesday and Tyler took the day off to spend with Mer and me.  We began the day with an early morning beach walk, came home and made a big breakfast, ran a few errands and grabbed lunch at our favorite bagel shop, and went on our first date night without Meredith!

Tyler also had a card and gardenia plant waiting for me when I woke up.  We are going to get laminate floors in our house (after an unfortunate spit up incident) so we said no gifts this year.  We also do something for the traditional gifts and since four years is wood - fake wood it is.

Our neighbor, Dorothy did daycare for 20+ years before she retired down here.  She insists on babysitting Meredith for us so she can get her baby fix and we can have date nights and beach days.  It is so nice to have someone down here so close that we trust.  Having a baby so far away from family makes leaving our baby so much harder.

We have been wanting to eat dinner at The Bistro at Just Baked on the island since we moved here.  We have heard great things but since it is more spendy, we were saving it for a special occasion.  It was so worth the wait!  We had an appetizer and then Tyler ordered a ribeye and I ordered the best grouper I have ever eaten.  Seriously, this meal was SO GOOD. Tyler claims it was the best food he has ever had.  

While at dinner (as we tried to not talk about Meredith ;)) we talked about our relationship and our goals for our fifth year of marriage.  Our number one goal is to prioritize our relationship first - which is especially important now that we are parents.  We also came up with a list of activities and travels we want to do as a family over the next year.  We want to make sure we are taking advantage of living on the east coast!

After we picked up Mer and put her to bed we had champagne, split small mud pie and red velvet cake desserts and watched our wedding video.  We hadn't watched it in a few years and it was so much fun to relive the day again.  Its crazy how the emotions we felt that day can come back from watching it on video.  I am so glad we splurged and  paid to get such an amazing videographer!  

Happy four years to my amazing husband! I couldn't imagine doing this life with anyone else!

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