Friday, June 26, 2015

Last Meet Up

Our great friends Sara and Jasper came to visit and meet Meredith.  This visit will be the last meet up since they will be moving to Minnesota in a few short months.  Sara has been working in Atlanta for the past two years so when Jasper is in town (from Germany) we always tried to meet up here or in Atlanta.  We love this couple and are so thankful for our friendship with them.

They arrived late Friday night so we caught up and headed to bed.  Saturday we had our first official beach day of the summer.  Meredith did okay at first but then screamed because she was so over tired and did not want to nap out there.  We made the mistake of forgetting to bring either her bouncer or rock and play.  I was also super paranoid about her overheating.  We have a great beach tent from Costco and there is a good breeze on the beach but I think I want to find a fan to put in the tent just in case.  Tyler, Sara and Jasper all took turns going stand up paddle boarding.  I planned to go out but by the time I would have gone it just didn't seem worth getting wet.  It was also my first time in a swimsuit so I was fine keeping my cover up on! 

Of course we don't remember to take pictures until we packed up the car on our way home.

Sara and Jasper ran to the grocery store when we got back and treated us to a fabulous dinner.  We finished the night with a bonfire.  We decided to brunch at Oceanic on Wrightsville beach on Sunday.  After, we hung out on the pier and went on a little beach walk before Sara and Jasper had to make the long drive back to Atlanta.

We are sad that we will never live this close to them again.  They will most likely end up in Europe though so at least it will make for fun trips when we visit them!

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