Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer Beach Days

Last summer was so much fun with Meredith.  She was at the best age to go to the beach as she loved to play in the sand, run around, run into the waves, pick up seashells, and people and dog watch.  I worked part-time so we were able to get to the beach 3-5 times a week!  We also mixed it up with some pool days with friends.  We loved it! 

This is our favorite place on Topsail Island - Serenity Point - It is the south tip of the island and we loved to finish off our weekends with a long beach walk around it.

Tyler was quite the surfer all year.  He kept his surf board in his car so he could stop and surf on his way home from work if the waves were good.  Meredith loves to surf like daddy.  (and at the time of writing this post almost a year later, she has already rode on the surf board in the ocean!)

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