Friday, April 4, 2014

Brother Weekend

So to recap: Went home for Christmas in MN for 9 non-stop days (+ 2 days travel), then went straight to a cabin 6 hours away for 3 1/2 days, THEN a few days later, Tyler's brother Chris arrived for a visit.  We loved having Chris in town but felt bad because we were exhausted, both of us had to work, and January just isn't beach weather in NC.

The sun still came out for us though ;)

We brought Chris to Wilmington to show him around and discovered one of our new favorite places - Dock Street Oyster Bar.  Loved the food, beer and atmosphere.

For the rest of his visit, we mainly hung out around our house playing games and watching A LOT of sports.

This is what they looked like most nights.

We are hoping to have Chris visit again soon!

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