Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Renee's Visit

Tyler's mom came to visit at the beginning of November and we loved having her in town!  After she flew in, we grabbed lunch and walked around one of our favorite areas of Wilmington.  We decided to spend most of our time around our house so Renee could maximize her time playing with Meredith.  Meredith warmed up to her instantly and Grandma Nae was a trooper putting up with hair pulling and face attacks!

Sunday morning, we took Renee to our church and then to brunch at Boca Bay.  I had brunched there with some girlfriends a few weeks prior and it was SO good I thought I needed to take Tyler and his mom back for a second round. 

On Monday, Renee and I took Meredith to her little gym class.  Tyler was off on Tuesday so we spent the day in Wilmington before taking Renee to the airport.

We loved having Renee in town.  Meredith is so lucky to have her as a grandma :)

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