Friday, October 3, 2014

Home Improvements

Update on all of our projects.  Tyler has stayed busy building furniture and we also got some other household items checked off our list.

Tyler had built these night stands for our bedroom last year but we finally got around to finishing them.  We also bought an old dresser that Tyler sanded and we painted to match.

Finished products.

Next up on our project list - Our headboard.  We debated different headboards but in the end opted to go with a really basic easy one.  We didn't use any templates but instead just came up with a plan together.  

Just about the only thing I helped with was picking the order of the wood.

End result.  We also bought a much needed new bedspread and love it (of course this is the old one).

Next up was the garage and our need for storage.  Tyler decided to build shelves similar to the shelves my dad has in his garage.

Extra wood = a "Y" for the wife.  Still not sure if or how I am going to finish this.

We also got a fence! No we didn't do this ourselves but I have no doubt Tyler could have.  We were not happy with the company we went through but we are happy with the end result (After Tyler fixed some issues himself).

Last but not least, we finally ordered our window treatments.  I fell in love with the shutter plantations as soon as we saw them.  How could we not get them when we live right by the beach!  We ended up just doing the bottom half of our downstairs windows so we still have a lot of natural light coming in and we have full ones on all the windows upstairs.

More projects are still in the works....

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