Friday, October 3, 2014

First Full Summer in North Carolina

I can't believe that it is fall already!  Our summer went by so fast!  It actually still feels like summer in NC since it is still 80's most days.  We had a very relaxing summer - besides our busy trips home to MN and a weekend in Atlanta.  We also had the rainiest summer EVER here according to the locals.  Here is a quick recap:

Our poor trees on the side of our house died so Tyler cut them down :(  We still need to pick out some new trees to plant.

We enjoyed our back patio and planted a mini garden.  We plan to have a bigger garden next summer now that we have a fence.

We planted a blueberry bush and rose bush as well. 

We found a bike trail in Wilmington that we loved!  I wish there were good trails closer to our house.

Most of our weekends were spent at the beach.

We picked up a new hobby - Stand up paddle boarding on the Ocean.  Way more challenging and you can surf the waves on the boards but the timing is different than surfing.

Fireworks with friends

Our first tomato out of the garden

We bought a new grill and got plenty of use out of it.

Date night

Waiting for fireworks 

Tyler's new toy

Oh and lots of reading - I think I read about 8 books in a few months.

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