Friday, August 28, 2015

Beach Baby

When we first moved to NC, one of the first pieces of advise I received from a fellow military spouse was that if you can plan for it, have your babies in the fall so you can enjoy the beach. We obviously were not able to follow that advise with Meredith but I definitely get it now. New baby + NC summer heat and humidity + sun + sand = a summer indoors. It is hard to live on the ocean and not take advantage of it! Once we hit the 5 month mark we have been trying to get to the beach more to start enjoying it. While the ocean waves are a little much for Mer, we go to a beach on the intracoastal side of the island that is a lot calmer. Meredith kicks those little legs like crazy when we put her in the water and Tyler is convinced that she will be diving with him by the time she is 16.

We are looking forward to our next 1-2 months of gorgeous beach weather!

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