Monday, August 17, 2015

Father's Day

Meredith is so lucky to have a daddy as wonderful as mine is :)
Happy first father's day to Tyler!

We had a relaxing morning at home and then planned to go to church but we didn't realize that our church didn't have mass at the indoor location at 11am so we missed it! Instead, we went to Oceanic at Wrightsville beach for brunch to celebrate our favorite guy!

Tyler was hoping for a girl when we found out we were pregnant and he is loving it! He is such a fabulous daddy to our little girl and I can't wait to see their relationship develop over the years. 

Pretty much any video we have of Meredith has Tyler laughing in the background. He thinks everything she does is adorable and he can't get enough of her.

We love introducing Meredith to new things and experiences and Tyler already has a lot of adventures for the two of them planned!

We love you and are so lucky to have you in our lives!

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