Thursday, June 8, 2017

Baby #2!

Clearly since I am blogging after the birth of baby #2 this is no news to anybody but I still want to document some of the pictures.

These are the pictures we took to show our families. Meredith was so cute holding the ultrasound pictures, pointing to it, and saying "baby".  Then we would ask her where the baby was and she would say "mommy's belly".  It is amazing how much she can understand already.

Then at the 20 week ultrasound, we found out we were having another GIRL! I had zero mother's intuition on this one and was surprised it was another girl. Tyler thought girl all along. When we were pregnant with Meredith, we both were hoping for a girl and since we found out she was a girl, we wanted her to have a sister. Just this morning (since again, I am documenting this 7 months behind), Meredith was telling me "I'm a big sister" and says "where's my sissy"..... seriously, melts my heart.

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